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About Moana Mark

– the mark of excellence in marine research matters

MoanaMark is a not-for-profit organisation looking for partners (business or individuals), specifically those in the tourism industry, to make a commitment to sustainable practices and marine conservation.

We developed MoanaMark in a similar manner to the widely recognised Qualmark certification (a mark that acknowledges businesses excellence). Similarly, we plan to acknowledge and support exceptional partners that help us deliver marine sustainability and conservation research initiatives.

While MoanaMark was founded in New Zealand’s national marine hotspot, Kaikōura, it is a national initiative.

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Become MoanaMark accredited and begin your journey to contributing to a thriving marine environment

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It’s not rocket-science, it’s marine science

There are growing calls for regenerative principles to be applied to rebuild a more sustainable tourism system in New Zealand. And,  better management of our marine ecosystems has the potential to be a significant part of this.

But we need individuals and tourism businesses who benefit from New Zealand’s unique marine environment to partner with us on our endeavor to conserve our ocean environment.

Becoming an accredited MoanaMark partner demonstrates support of marine science, contributions to ocean conservation and the adoption of a sustainable business model.

A MoanaMark accreditation is gained by valuing sustainable practices and giving back to marine sustainability and conservation projects in New Zealand. This may include businesses which have stablished practices in supporting marine conservation or who are developing new initiatives.


What type of businesses can become MoanaMark accredited?

MoanaMark partners need to be able to demonstrate:

  • Evidence of sustainable practices that contribute to the marine environment
  • Commitment to the Tiaki Promise
  • A willingness to educate others about why marine environmental protection is important
  • An annual donation to MoanaMark to fund marine research projects

Specifically, tourism operators must also demonstrate:


What does MoanaMark donations go towards?

Donations are used to provide scholarships for students to study marine species populations. Currently, MoanaMark research projects are focused on various marine species to determine aspects of their ecology, assess how threatened they are and determining what we can do to improve their management and protection.


What are the benefits of being a certified MoanaMark business?

  • A straightforward and meaningful pathway to support local marine research initiatives
  • Providing instant recognition that you are giving back to the environment
  • Supporting sustainable, regenerative tourism where the industry gives back more than it takes – and, in doing so, empowers other operators to do the same
  • Providing a pathway that speaks to all four elements of the NZ Tourism Sustainability Commitment
  • Providing a pathway that speaks to the Tiaki Promise
  • Becoming part of a network of like-minded individuals who have similar commitments to sustainability and marine conservation

Specific business benefits include:

  • Reinforcing your businesses reputation as a leading employer of choice that actively gives back to the community
  • Increasing customer base
  • Providing leadership opportunities through involvement and employee interest and engagement
  • Providing instant recognition that your business gives back to the marine environment
  • Providing talking points for your business, helping appeal even more to customers prioritising sustainable travel choices
  • Attraction of international markets who value sustainable retention of the national assets of New Zealand


Partnership Levels

Donors are awarded a Bronze, Silver or Gold accreditation depending on their evidence of sustainable practices towards the marine environment and level of annual contribution to MoanaMark.

Partnership Levels


Bronze Certification $1000 – $9,999 donation per annum

  • A logo which can be used to endorse your business
  • Your business logo (small) on the MoanaMark website
  • An annual report which describes the research that your business has funded
  • Acknowledgements in all research reports and conference proceedings
  • Images and content for social media which showcase the marine conservation initiatives your business is supporting
  • An auditable financial statement relating to the expenditure of funds provided by your business


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Silver Certification $10,000 – $19,999 per annum

  • A logo which can be used to endorse your business
  • Your business logo (large) on the MoanaMark website
  • An annual report which describes the research that your business has funded
  • An annual presentation to your staff and/or stakeholders which describes the research your business has supported
  • Acknowledgements in all research reports and conference proceedings
  • Images and content for social media which showcase the marine conservation initiatives your business is supporting
  • An auditable financial statement relating to the expenditure of funds provided by your business
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Gold Certification more than $20,000 per annum

  • A logo which can be used to endorse your business
  • A feature on the MoanaMark website outlining what your business does, how your business values sustainable practices and why MoanaMark certification was important for you
  • A bi-annual report which describes the research that your business has funded
  • A bi-annual presentation to your staff and/or stakeholders which describes the research your business has supported
  • Acknowledgements in all research reports and conference proceedings
  • Images and content for social media which showcase the marine conservation initiatives your business is supporting
  • An auditable financial statement relating to the expenditure of funds provided by your business
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Dr. Krista van der Linde


It is my privilege to be to the founder of MoanaMark.  I have 15 years’ experience in marine conservation initiatives in New Zealand as a specialist Marine Mammal Biologist.  I have witnessed many businesses benefiting from their local environment, but not  giving back. Often this is simply because businesses don’t know how and the lack of research projects.  So, I have developed MoanaMark as a way to make it easy for businesses to fund local marine projects and for this commitment to be recognised.

I am based in Kaikōura, MoanaMark’s founding region because of the incredible marine mammal populations, its booming tourism industry, and the lack of research projects.

Showcase your business as a leader in marine sustainability by supporting our initiative

Our Sponsors & Partners

Inaugural Partner

Hapuku Lodge & Treehouses is the founding sponsor of MoanaMark.
Tony Wilson, the owner, has a strong connection to Kaikōura and recognises the need to give back. Their accommodation business hosts international, and domestic guests, all of whom have travelled to experience the beauty of Kaikōura and majestic marine environment. In his words, “I wanted to ensure our local marine ecosystems are protected so the many species within them are here for generations to come. We have to plan to play the long game to protect these spaces for future generations.”



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