Partner FAQ
Who can become a Moana Mark partner?
Any individual or business which is willing to sponsor marine research projects in Aotearoa.
Is an initial donation required to become a Moana Mark partner?
Yes, an initial contribution of $1,000 is required.
What do Moana Mark donations go towards?
Donations as passed directly onto Moana Mark research projects.
How are research projects selected by partners?
Funders can choose to support a Moana Mark research project based on the project profiles on our website. If a partner has a specific interest in funding a research project that has not yet been established or that exists but is not a Moana Mark research project, we are happy to facilitate this where possible – just get in touch with our team.
What are the benefits of being a Moana Mark partner?
- A straightforward and meaningful pathway to support local marine research initiatives
- Providing instant recognition that you are giving back to the environment
- Supporting sustainable, regenerative tourism where the industry gives back more than it takes – and, in doing so, empowers other individuals or businesses to do the same
- Providing a pathway that speaks to all four elements of the NZ Tourism Sustainability Commitment
- Providing a pathway that speaks to the Tiaki Promise
- Becoming part of a network of like-minded individuals who have similar commitments to sustainability and marine conservation
Specific business benefits include:
- Reinforcing your businesses reputation as a leading employer of choice that actively gives back to the community
- Increasing customer base in relation to eco-conscious consumers
- Providing leadership opportunities through involvement and employee interest and engagement
- Providing instant recognition that your business gives back to the marine environment
- Providing talking points for your business, helping appeal even more to customers prioritising sustainable travel choice
- Attraction of international markets who value sustainable retention of the national assets of New Zealand
What do Moana Mark partners receive for their support?
- A partner logo which can be used to endorse your business
- A feature on the Moana Mark website outlining what your business does, how your business values sustainable practices and why Moana Mark certification was important for you
- Reports and presentations which can be provided to your staff / stakeholders to showcase the research that your business has funded
- Acknowledgements in all research outputs
- Images and content for social media which showcase the marine conservation initiatives your business is supporting
- An auditable financial statement relating to the expenditure of funds provided by your business
Research FAQ
Who can start a Moana Mark research project?
Successful research projects can be conducted by anyone – from high school students to professors. You don’t have to be at an established institution to do research, and we encourage independent science. All you need is curiosity, a hypothesis, and a willingness to conduct marine research.
What are the evaluation criteria for research projects?
Moana Mark supports research projects that: a) focus on our moana (environments and species), b) meets our research project criteria, and c) generate results which can be shared openly with our partners.
Every approved research project must satisfy the following project criteria:
- Research question or hypothesis is clear
The project is centered around a clearly defined hypothesis or has an explicitly stated research question. - Project content is scientifically accurate
All scientific claims in a project proposal must link to URLs of supporting peer-reviewed sources. - Execution of the project is feasible
The team has the expertise required to complete the project.
If a project is working with animal or human subjects, researchers are required to upload evidence ethics approval to project approval. In addition, if a project requires any permits, they must also be provided prior to project approval.
How are projects reviewed?
One of our team reviews each submitted research project for clarity, scientific accuracy, and feasibility. Research projects that pass the content review are approved to launch publicly. Research projects are reviewed on a rolling basis, as they are submitted.
What do researchers have to give back to their partners?
Moana Mark works because researchers provide the scientific findings and outcomes back to their partners. We encourage researchers to share their results in an engaging way. Researchers often share pictures, updates, datasets, pre-prints, protocols, and papers. Sometimes, researchers will present their findings in person or online. Every project is different, and that’s what makes science engaging.
Why do researchers give back to partners?
Its important to us that our partners can see what scientific research they are supporting so they are able to understand the scientific impact they have made by supporting your work.
Is there a timeline for providing my scientific results to partners?
There is no requirement for when you should share your results, however we strongly encourage bi-annual reporting and presentations.